Tag: Learn Python the Hard Way

LPTHW - Ex 0: The Setup

This is all about setting up your development environment. I wasn't going to bother writing this up as it seemed like a fairly basic thing but that's just not the case. There are so many considerations when it comes to how you want to set things up and as a newbie you can get yourself off down a rabbit hole and find you need to redo a bunch of things later on down the road when your skill improves or you need to change systems.


Learn Python The Hard Way

In addition to the Odin Project I've decided to simultaneously undertake the Learn Python The Hard Way course by Zed Shaw. Learning two things at once might sound overkill but spending 6 hours plus a day on one topic can just lead to burnout. So, with a range of things to cover, I hope to spread out the brain pain and probably learn a little faster or more deeply than I would otherwise.