Long Term International Migration to year ending December 2015 for previous 12 months ===================================================================================== An estimated current total population of UK = 64,596,000 An estimated total current non-British population = 2.1 million Total foreign citizens by percentage = 3.25% THE NUMBERS THAT CAME & LEFT ============================ IMMIGRATION ----------- Total figures - (combined) -------------------------- Total immigration (came to UK) = 630,000 Total Emigration (left the UK) = 297,000 Net figures - EU vs non-EU -------------------------- Net British immigration = -40,000 Net EU immigration (EU people who came here) = 184,000 Net non-EU migration = 188,000 EMIGRATION ---------- British nationals leaving UK = 123,000 (83,000 arrived but more left) EU Citizens leaving UK = 85,000 Non-EU citizens leaving = 89,000 THE BOTTOM LINE --------------- Total population of UK = 64,596,800 Total Net immigration = 297,000 (0.46% of total population) Total loss of British citizens = 40,000 (0.06% of total population) Total gain of EU citizens = 185,000 (0.27% of total population) Total gain of non-EU citizens = 188,000 (0.29% of total population) WHY THEY CAME ============= Approx 75% of immigrants came here to work or to study. Of those 75%, IPS estimates show around 61% of immigrants arriving for work were EU citizens, 24% were non-EU citizens and 15% were British citizens (returning from overseas). Figures (mixed EU and non-EU) ----------------------------- Arriving for work = 308,000 (178,000 from EU, 130,000 from non-EU) - Those with definite job offer = 178,000 (101,000 from EU, 77,000 from non-EU) - Those looking for work = 130,000 (77,000 from EU, 53,000 from non-EU) Arriving to accompany/join = 73,000 Formal Study = 167,000 Other reasons = 52,000 - Asylum applications = 41,563 (largest aprt of that 52,000 total) Not stated = 29,000 SOURCE ====== The Office for National Statistics "Migration Statistics Quarterly Report: May 2016" http://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration/internationalmigration/bulletins/migrationstatisticsquarterlyreport/may2016